
Culturally Relevant Career Readiness Programs 

As a First-Generation or Non-Traditional Student...

As a first-generation or non-traditional student, our experiences and challenges are different; we are bicultural, multiracial, and encounter the glass ceiling, lack of mentorship, and the opportunity gap. At Aspira Consulting, we believe that our cultural wealth is an asset when it comes to developing our professional career. We provide Culturally Relevant Career Readiness Programs to empower first-generation and underserved students to embrace their journey, harness their cultural wealth, and translate their experiences into a powerful career narrative.

Empowering Scholars Program

Program Description

Our transformative Empowering Scholars Program, a culturally relevant career readiness program, is designed to empower first-generation and non-traditional students. This immersive program offers a wealth of relatable real-life examples, practical tools, and invaluable techniques to help students harness their unique cultural backgrounds and propel them towards success in their career development.

Program Topics

  • How to Tell Your First-Generation Story to Get Hired
  • Turning Adversity into Positive Career Traits
  • Demystifying Networking
  • How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome
  • How to Successfully Interview Virtually

Key Lessons

  • How to reframe your personal journey into a powerful career narrative
  • Turn adversity into positive career traits
  • Leverage cultural wealth to build social capital
  • Value your identity to overcome imposter syndrome
  • Learn to market yourself to employers

Empowering Scholars Academy

Academy Description

Our Empowering Scholars Academy is a comprehensive 10-week program that provides students with a holistic career preparation.  Using our culturally relevant framework, our program teaches students how to embrace their personal journey and leverage their cultural wealth to develop a career strategy and techniques to attract job opportunities.

Key Lessons

  • Reframe your personal journey into a relatable career narrative
  • Leveraging AI for career success
  • Create and promote your career portfolio
  • Build your professional brand
  • How to create a first-generation LinkedIn profile
  • Career Networking
  • Create a targeted resume
  • Communication etiquette
  • Effective and efficient job search techniques

Train-the-Trainer Program 

Our high acclaimed Empowering Scholars Train-the-Trainer Program is designed specifically for college career counselors, staff, and faculty to gain the expertise to effectively deliver our Culturally Relevant Career Readiness Program. This one-of-a-kind program equips your team with invaluable skills to assist first-generation and non-traditional students in creating, managing, and elevating their personal and professional journey.

Training + Integration + Sustainability

There’s a seismic shift happening in academic institution around career readiness and workforce development.  Remote work, online learning, AI technology, micro-credentials, and the debate around the need for a 4-year degree are some of forces influencing academic institutions to reinvent their approach to career readiness. At Aspira, we partner with you to help ride the waves of change by:

  • Professional development training
  • Integrate our Empowering Scholars Program with your existing career readiness programs
  • Develop a sustainability and growth career readiness plan

Culturally Relevant Career Readiness

We understand.  Maybe right now a workshop is the best option.  Or maybe you’re organizing a plenary session, a career fair, National First-Generation Day, or a student-parent event we offer a variety of workshop topics to help students and their families celebrate their journeys as a sources of valuable experiences.  At Aspira, we celebrate that our cultural heritage is not a limitation, but a powerful foundation career success.

Standard Workshops

  • Discovery Call
  • Up to 90-minute Plenary Session
  • Unlimited Attendees
  • Session Exercises
  • Optional Q&A
  • Workshops and Content available in Spanish
  • In-person, online, or hybrid


AreWorkshop Topics

  • My Identity is My Superpower
  • How to Tell Your Story (Elevator Pitch)
  • Navigating Your Career Journey with AI: Strategies for Success
  • Turning Adversity into Positive Career Traits
  • Harnessing Social Capital for Career Success
  • Setting Boundaries & Navigating Family Expections
  • Embracing Your Dreams through Education: Your Journey, Your Pace
  • Strategies for Securing an Outstanding Internship
  • Embrace Imposter Syndrome & Command Executive Presence
  • Mastering the Art of Informational Interviews
  • Crafting an Effective Resume & Professional Attire
  • What to Expect & How to Prepare for a Career Fair

Educational Institutions We’ve
Delivered Training Include

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